Sunday, 15 April 2007

Five months on..........

M-Power has been embraced by the UK professional cleaning community as a highly effective cleaning agent. Uptake has been from a broad spectrum of carpet and upholstery cleaners but especially those with a particular interest in eco-friendly cleaning.

Every effort has been made at all stages of production, distribution and end use to reduce its carbon footprint. But perhaps its greatest impact is due to the fact that it not only enables highly efficient cleaning to be performed with reduced use of water but also that it does so without the need for that water to be heated.

The carbon cost of each gallon of water we use is far higher than many appreciate. That cost arises not so much from the processing of water but the vast amounts of electrical energy consumed in pumping water around the country.

I am soon to become a grandfather for the first time. I would like to think that the world that my grandchildren - and their children - inherit has been as little damaged as possible by my actions. There is still a great deal of scepticism about the causes of global warming. Maybe I am misguided in my belief that man has at the very least made a contribution to the phenomenon but if so actions being taken to reduce carbon emissions can do no harm.......... On the other hand, if the assumption is correct, then failing to act now could have catastrophic consequences in the not-so-distant future,

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