Saturday, 30 June 2007

How green is green?

"Going Green"
is not always as strait forward as you might think!

One alternative to those nasty petroleum-based fuels are the emerging range of 'Biofuels'. Based on plant materials, these are said to be a greener option than fossil fuels.

But just how green are they?

In parts of the world natural rain forest is being cleared (slashed and burned) for the production of oil palms, a prime source of biofuel.

Unfortunately, not only does the clearance release massive amounts of carbon dioxide and destroy the habitat but the soil that has supported lush rain forest for so many years will become impoverished in (at the most) twenty years of this 'unnatural' use. When it is abandoned as useless for this crop it will no longer be able to support the natural vegetation.

.............Maybe the forest is greener than the fuel!

How Green is green?

"Going Green" is not always as strait forward as you might think!

One alternative to those nasty petroleum-based fuels are the emerging
range of 'Biofuels'.
Based on plant materials, these are said to be a greener option than
fossil fuels.

But just how green are they?

In parts of the world natural rain forest is being cleared (slashed and
burned) for the production of oil palms, a prime source of biofuel.

Unfortunately, not only does the clearance release massive amounts of
carbon dioxide and destroy the habitat but the soil that has supported
lush rain forest for so many years will become impoverished in (at the
most) twenty years of this 'unnatural' use. When it is abandoned as
useless for this crop it will no longer be able to support the natural

.............................Maybe the forest is greener than the fuel!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Eco-Friendly Carpet Cleaning Professionals

Thanks to growing awareness about the potential health impacts of carpet cleaning, a new breed of professional services has sprung up that avoids dangerous and polluting chemicals in favour of more natural solutions. Leading the move to newer, 'greener', more eco-friendly cleaning solutions used by professional services is the plant based M-Power, the carpet and upholstery super-concentrate that out-performs the 'nasties' by an appreciable margin.

The health benefits for the cleaner, the customer and the planet, perhaps surprisingly, come without additional cost - indeed considerable savings can be made by its use.

Most carpet cleaning services are local businesses, and many have greened-up their processes in recent years and are reaping the rewards as environmentally-aware consumers in their area are seeking out more the more responsible routes to take in the conduct of their lives. If you need your carpets cleaned you should call around and ask questions. If a service provider doesn’t know the environmental impact of that service, they should probably be avoided.

I, for one do not care what motivates a business to walk a greener path, be it genuine concern for the planet, its current and future occupants or just that it is good for their business. The environmental gains will be the same as long as the greening is not just a re-badging exercise.